14th Feb... As people would say... Valentine's ! Well... do we really need some so-called special day to celebrate our loved ones ? Being romantic for a day rather than for the whole relationship doesn't make you a great lover...
My way... to make relationship stronger... Make him / her to love you more every single day... Rather than waiting for a single day (Valentine's Day) to do something special for your loved ones... How about doing it every day ? Do something different each time... and make sure you have the time necessary to do it....
Some of the simplest things to do... Tell the one you loved , in your own special way... Post it in him / her online network site... Send romantic messages , voice mail maybe... or even love letter... You can also post it in your blog... Take a picture of you with a heart on your palm and slip it in his wallet... *I've done the picture.. and it worked*
You don't have to be romantic for this... Just show your loved ones that you care about them... They will understand... Just like Ronan Keating's song... You say it best when you say nothing at all !
Like I said ; Make the one you loved , love you more and more each day.... Start the day with something sweet... and end it with something sweeter !
be my wonderwall ; will you ?
ko jgn nk mengada2 sambut event nie.....
Nk kene pukul???
ak x smbut la..
kn ak ckp kt situ..
lau nk tunjuk syg kite kt kekasih..
xyh tggu valentine..
tiap2 hari leh wat..
valentine xde pape makne bg ak..
hohoho... ;p
bunyi cm ko g smbut je valentine 2...
x smbut la...
ak bz kot...
kne tolong org kenduri...
prejudis tol korang neh... ;p
ak menghargai kekasih ak tiap2 hari la..
bile2 mse ak nk wat bnde special..
ak wat jer... xyh tggu valentine...
prinsip ak.. lau nk hubungan kekal..
buat kekasih hati kite tu..
setiap hari brtambah syg..
bkn tggu satu hari jer..
xyh mention valentine r senang...
sesape bce pown mesti igt ko smbt menatang nie.....
ye ar... mls da ar nk terangkn... suke ati la org nk ckp ap..
yg penting ak paham ap yg ak wat.. ;p
pape la boh...hehehe....
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