disebabkan feeling too tired and being in a ' too busy ' condition
this is the only thing that I managed to update

taken on 14032010
went to Low Yat Plaza cz he wants to find some gadgets
He managed to buy 1TB Portable HD
went to Times Square cz we're too lazy to went to Mid Valley
He buys me a pair of blue color heels which is 4 1/2 inch high
went back at UNISEL around 4 .30 something
arrived at UNISEL around 5.30 something
stay at the class with Gedot, K.Yana, Madil and Jack
*can't be in the class with only two of us.. nnt syaf compound ! hahaha*
while i'm tuning few things on his laptop
he depart back to his home around 7
seems so simple ? its because i skip the details
it was a really REALLY really nice date
LOVE you so MUCH sayang !
te queiro mucho
be my wonderwall ; will you ?
pehal tibe2 kuar comment suh pukul kt cnie ?
jeles ke abg beli HD 1 Tera ? ;p
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