Wednesday, March 3, 2010

what hav i done ?

Start dri mggu lepas , me trsgt beezee sbnrnyer... mcm xde mse nk tulis pepanjang kt blog neh. skrg ni pn bru la leh brnafas sket... but pasni still beezee lg... so juz a brief update jela eh for what hav i done in the past few days...

Thursday ; morning got class, then walk to HEP to get the proposal format , back to hostel , clean up and take a rest plus eat , at 3 start the committee meeting until 5-6pm , nite start typing the proposal.

Friday ; accompany miss ashfeeda rashid to Low Yat Plaza cz i already promised her since early of the week... i can't cancel the promise even thou i'm bz... i'm packed for the whole day... i was a nice day thou except for the tiring part..

Saturday ; do some clean ups for da room , wardrobe... evening start the discussion for my TESL Methodology presentation , nite typing the hardcopy for the presentation.

Sunday ; out for lunch but trsangkut melepak until 4pm or something kt MSE... smpai home then check the proposal , nite hav the committee meeting again to update for few things.. dinner at 10pm , get back home around 11 something... write the reports on all the updates then get to sleep at 2-3 am.

Monday ; hav class from 9-12 , 2-5... Get back to hostel , mandi n everything , 8.30 pm have presentation rehearsal where we have to berlakon for the learning situation based on the script , balek hostel around 11pm something again , check and rewrite the presentation slide , sleep around 3-4am.

Tuesday ; kind of worst day... attend class 9am-12pm , 1.30pm preparation , 2-5pm *presentation* , 5-7pm french class , 8-10pm another french class , after class singgah umah lecturer to report her bout the proposal , ask if there's anything to amend , smpai lek umah hostel around 12, catat all the amendments, sleep around 1-2am...

Today , bru leh brnafas sket kot..... but pasni hav to study for the test on Friday lak... T-T

be my wonderwall ; will you ?


Zéè Zóò said...

tarik napas~


tarik napas~


SEDOT Dalam2~
hmpppphh~ hahaha

Unknown said...

prektis depan cermin ke ej ?

ika said...

erm, mmg penat kot mgu neh..pack yg amat. bce blog nana ni p0n da bley rse penatnye..huhu

Unknown said...

hahaha.. tau pn..
pening kn... ;p